Vill du också få bättre hälsa? Då har du kommit rätt!
Du får rolig träning, god mat och känna dig stark och full av energi.
Helt enkelt bättre vanor och ett mer hälsosamt liv!
Efter stor efterfrågan är vårt kostprogam äntligen här! Kostprogrammet passar utmärkt för dig som vill bli från sötsug och sockerberoende, känna mer energi, sova bättre och bli piggare!
Oavsett om du redan har träningen på plats och behöver hjälp med kosten för att prestera och må bättre eller om du inte vill eller kan träna för tillfället, är det ett perfekt program att köra för att skapa en förändring inifrån på 10-veckor.💙
Vill du ha ett skräddarsytt tränings- och kostupplägg som anpassas till dina mål, önskemål och förutsättningar? Då är vår individuella coaching av Karin något för dig! Det passar såväl träningsvana som helt ovana.
Are you ready for a change?
Get in shape in just 10 weeks.
The app is the hub of your journey!
When you buy one of our programs, you get access to our app where you can find all the training programs week by week, recipes, your digital community, coaching, inspiration and much more. The app is available for iPhone, Android and as a web version.
We know that everyone can succeed. Even you! We also know that you often need support and encouragement. And individual adaptation. Plus, diet combined with exercise can actually work wonders.
Do you also want to feel better, eat healthier and have more energy? Bodily is a diet and exercise community that gets results. Maybe you want to lose a few pounds, sleep better or simply change the way you live.
We will help you.
Our programs
This is how Bodilyresan works
We give you fun and varied training, which is adapted over time. You train 5-10 min/day six days of the week and 15-30 min two days. In the app you will find your daily exercises, abdominal exercises and weekly challenges, all with clear and simple instructional videos.
You get thought through training programs with effective and fun training. The programs contain daily exercises. You do abs every other day and have two HIIT sessions per week.
This week's workout
- 3 daily exercises (5-10 min)
- 5 abdominal exercises every other day (10-15 min)
- 2 training sessions (15-30 min)
"Do your best with the conditions you have today. Tomorrow is a new day with new conditions".
The app contains delicious recipes for good and healthy food. The diet, which is a low-carb diet, gives you good energy. The instructions are easy to follow. The recipes are easy to prepare. At the end of the program, you will receive advice on how to turn the principles into a sustainable lifestyle - with a twist!
You will receive a diet plan and recipes for tasty and easy-to-prepare meals. You eat six times a day, two of which are meals and four are snacks. You completely avoid sugar, wheat flour and red meat.
This is how you eat daily
- 2 meals
- 4 snacks
- Lots of water
What do we eat?
- Fiber-rich carbohydrates
- Protein
- fat
What do we eat or drink not during The Starter or The Changer?
- Wheat flour
- Added sugar
- Beef, lamb or pork meat
- Alcohol
- Sweetened drinks
Coacher som vägleder dig
Karin Franzén Bohman, som har över 30 års erfarenhet av att coacha och ge råd inom kost och hälsa, grundade Bodily 2020 och skapar alla programmet. Bodilys dryga 40 coacher och mentorer har fått utbildning och är erfarna. De förstår precis vad du går igenom, eftersom de själva har gått flera av Bodilys program. De coachar, peppar och stöttar dig genom hela programmet och ger dig råd och tips.
Varje program har ett Coachteam med coacher och mentorer har fokus på att ge dig de stöd du behöver. Dessutom stöttar alla andra i Team Bodily dig för att du ska nå dina mål.
När du går med i något av våra program blir du direkt en del i vår digitala community. Där delar vi erfarenheter, peppar och stöttar varandra. Filma dina HIIT-pass och dela i communityt så får du coachning och stöttning av Team Bodily.
Vi gör detta tillsammans och vi vill att du ska nå dina mål. När du filmar dina träningspass, som vi kallar HIIT-pass eller utmaningar, hjälper ditt coachteam dig med instruktioner och coachning. Du har alltid möjlighet att ställa frågor när du behöver hjälp.
I communityt träffar du även de andra deltagarna i din grupp. Vi vet att det kan vara svårt med motivationen ibland men med all stöttning och coachning hjälps vi åt. Vi vet att du klarar det!
What customers say about us
Catarina Nilsson, 36
"I have loved this journey. I have fought on according to my conditions, learned a lot (!!) in terms of food intake. I am alert during the day and sleep well at night, and no longer walk through life yawning."
Jane Haglund, 41
"Already after four weeks I noticed a huge difference in my body. But the biggest difference was almost mental - I felt so much more alert and slept better."
Marcus Karlsson, 44
"The feeling when you cross the finish line after ten weeks is both nice and a little empty.
I am so proud of the result and extremely impressed with everyone's fighting spirit these ten weeks. It has been really challenging at times, but in retrospect it has been worth the effort."
Human trafficking is the exploitation of children, women and men for their bodies and labor. It is the slavery of our time. To counteract it, Bodily started a collaboration in March 2022 with the organization A21, which works to abolish slavery.
Together we have contributed over SEK 50,000 to the aid organization A21's work for vulnerable refugees in and from Ukraine. It is a small, but much needed contribution in these troubled times.
The cooperation continues! When you sign up for a program with Bodily, you are contributing! Let's help each other! 💙💛
We support Generation Pep's vision - that all children and young people should have the opportunity and desire to live an active and healthy life.
Today, only three out of ten young people get the recommended amount of physical activity, 60 minutes per day, and barely half of all children eat vegetables every day.
We want to help change this, because we want Sweden to feel better. We contribute by creating good conditions for the whole family to eat better and move more.
Together we create a popular movement for the health of children and young people.
You can use your wellness grant to run Bodily programs, via ePassi or send the receipt directly to your employer.
När du går våra program får du tillgång till ett bra erbjudande på GRIPP.ONE´s proteinpulver.